Money and Art: Money and Us

Anti-capitalist resisters are driven by social and environmental values and relationships. Monetary values disrupt, counter and undermine such values and relationships. A capitalist economy is ineffective for and inefficient in expressing or fulfilling social and environmental values, such as health, well being and creativity. Money is a functionally divisive technique of production and exchange. Money operationalises classes of managers vs. the managed; those with more vs. those with less; cycles of boom and bust. Read more...

On the Pursuit of What Matters

With this issue in mind, we wanted to take a closer look at the realities of those working with ephemeral time-based processes and products. In a money-driven world, the performing arts are equally subjected to market rules – specifically those of commodification and consumerism – like any other field of practice. And yet, with no tangible object to trade except the experiential moment of the now, should the embodied performative event be a commodity traded like any other? Read more...