January- March 2014

THE BODY IN THE RAW. NUDITY NOW scrutinises what a naked body can say today that a clothed body cannot. Let it be said from the outset, this theme was triggered by recent cases of artistic censorship, largely in Australia. While artists have been and are censored for supposedly hurting moral sensibilities in relation to a range of legal offences, such as sedition, blasphemy, obscenity, and defamation, cases of late involving censorship and outrage have all been centred around the nude human body.

The Body in The Raw

Stripping dance to the bare body itself, removes the unessential. This pricks me awake; it is as if bodies become piercing elements, like a spear. This rupture, stirs feelings through my own body, a body that exists and serves, based on codes and language. Read more...

About this issue

Editorial Board

Philipa Rothfield (Chair), Angela Conquet.

Guest Editor

Jill Orr.


Roland Huesca, Maude Davey, Deborah Hay, Atlanta Eke, Daniel Léveillé, Jo Faulkner, Alice Heyward, Nebahat Erpolat, Phillip Adams and Jill Orr, Gulsen Ozer, Audrey Schmidt and Bojana Kunst.

Credits and Acknowledgements

Cover images: Jill Orr, Love Songs
Photographer: Virginia Fraser for Jill Orr
Images courtesy of the artist.

Dancehouse would like to warmly thank the editorial board and all the contributors, particularly Jill Orr for her incredible photographic art works. A special thank you to Chloe Chignell and Jessica Sabatini.

Graphic Design: Famous Visual Services

This website was developed with the support of the IAN POTTER FOUNDATION.

Where to get it

Dancehouse Diary Issue #06: NUDITY NOW is available to collect, free of charge, at the following locations:

150 Princes Street
North Carlton
VIC 3054


The views and opinions expressed in this Dancehouse Diary are those of the authors and do not necessarily reflect the position of Dancehouse.


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