Art and Money

Art and money are a volatile combination. Putting the two together immediately emphasises the tensions fuelling our contradictory attitudes towards art: we believe it musn’t be a commodity – indeed, one of the most common beliefs about art is that it trascends the commodity and is, in its purest forms, an argument against commodification. And on the other, every arts institution in the country exists because of art’s value as a commodity. Read more...

On the Pursuit of What Matters

With this issue in mind, we wanted to take a closer look at the realities of those working with ephemeral time-based processes and products. In a money-driven world, the performing arts are equally subjected to market rules – specifically those of commodification and consumerism – like any other field of practice. And yet, with no tangible object to trade except the experiential moment of the now, should the embodied performative event be a commodity traded like any other? Read more...