Zoom In

Issue #12.1: What Now? — Interior Lives

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I wait in anticipation. I am ready for this. My living room looks fancy. Vintage decor with my elegant standing lamp in the corner. Beside it, is the Red recliner. I have another small lamp for my spotlight. My camera is mounted to the red wheelie stool. Zoom is in waiting mode. The Zoom light flashes. I feel like I’m about to enter the stage. I admit her, and my collaboration begins. I move towards her face on the screen. It seems surreal that we can’t touch each other. Though in my head, everything is real, I can do what I want. Be who I am.  Then, I let go and Dance.  Takes me on that spiral journey around my living room. I’m reading the Hitchhikers guide to the Galaxy. Again.

During the self-isolation period. I think my world will be strange and different. Being at home 24/7. What will that bring to my creative mind?  I open myself to think. I find ways to explore life at home with my camera. I see cracks in my floor. I find corners and windows of my house I have ignored or simply not seen before. I have time to think. Reflect on the places I have travelled to. Everything becomes significant. Relationship with my body. My relationship to others relating to me.  Something inspires me to explore my movement more closely.  I am person in the lens of the camera. I create the space within the space. The forest. The circus. The disco 80’s.  My heart is on fire.  Nothing is impossible for me right now.  There are no access barriers to claim my space. I can run with my imagination. Hang my wheelchair to the veranda roof. Line up my doc marten boots.  Sing to top of my lungs, ‘These Boots.’   There is time to question ideas. Walk around the house. Ten times a day. Stand perfectly still.  5 minutes. At least.

Exclusively commissioned for the Dancehouse Diary